Tuesday, 7 April 2020

I am among the Trees, a work in progress!

"Unless a seed falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit."

My version :
“Unless I fall into the earth and die, I remain alone; but if I die, I bear much fruit.”

Experiencing this period of Ms Corona, if I survive it, I am reminded again to live in the Unknown. How to transform this time of Unknown into Possibility. Living the Unknown is a spiritual practice, for me to say the least. It takes me deeper into my spirit of contemplation and reflection.

Instead of allowing and letting my restlessness and anxiety invent all sorts of fear and worry (which I admit I was engulfed on some occasion. I am human. It’s perfectly alright! ;)) which gives me the illusion of how I must handle my situation, stay on top of things and feeling compelled to stay informed on the latest ‘news’ … it is equally-perfectly OK to fall down into the dark abyss of my vulnerability. To surrender and find that courage to say ‘I DON’T KNOW. I don’t know where this is going or where it is taking me.’

When I learn to accept and dwell (taken me 3 weeks to ‘settle down inwardly’) in the Unknown, I drop into the earth of the ever embracing grace and love of comfort and peace. In not knowing the Unknown I find little treasures of aloneness, emptiness, the brewing chaos of the uncertainties which grows into something new and inspiring.

Love grows out of empathy, compassion and tenderness.

A common humanity shared amongst us.

I can get stuck and stop growing when I feel I am ‘right’ and I am ‘doing well’. Love becomes a struggle of competition out of chasing ‘something’, loosing track of myself. I cannot love. I am too heavily surrounded by characters of concepts, illusions, perceptions, structure and order.

Love asks me to fall into the earth and die, break down, break free, break open like a seed ... for this is where I will bear much fruit.

"The light is among you ... Walk while you have the light, lest darkness overtake you. The one who walks in the darkness does not know where he (or she) is going. While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons (and daughters) of light."

Let's face this Unknown together
Let Spring, spring back into our lives.

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