Sunday, 29 March 2020

Where do I begin?

My first post since last year. Where do I begin? Again, much has happened since then.

Today is the 12th day of lockdown, 8th day of restricted movement and 2nd day of quarantine!

These two photos show how quiet and trafffic-less the North-South highway is which will go down on this day in history.

We have come to this day when the whole world is hit with Coronavirus (Covid-19). It is my believe, it's Natures own way of shutting everything down, rejuvenating and healing itself while it also claim lives to balance itself and us out.

Life and Death.
They both go hand in hand.

I cannot fear Death for it will leave me crippled and fearful to live.
I will therefore be-friend Death for it will give me Life to live to it's fullest and be happy in all that I am.

May we be granted the Grace, Mercy, Strength, Courage and Love to live, to accept what is and live a fulfilling happy life, despite what is at hand.

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