Monday, 13 January 2014

New Year!

Christmas, the holiday seasons and the1st of January, the new year has come and gone.
The New Year is here!
New Beginnings (again).
I am glad I am given another new beginning...
How will I be living this new beginning?

I don't know...
But I hope I am ...

I've been relating a lot with Jeff Brown and this is one I read and hold dear to my heart.
He found words for my heart and my thought.

"I am tired of hearing what God is from head-tripping men.
I am tired of hearing what God is from isolationists on a spiritual quest.
I am tired of hearing what God is from lovers of detachment.
I want to hear about a juicy God, a creative God, a relational God.
A God that arises
when we jump into life and stop playing it safe,
watching it from afar like a passing train.
It's time for the dancers to tell us what God is
It's time for the artists to tell us what God is
It's time for the lovers to tell us what god is
We are not here to watch God
We are here to live God."

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